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Onu-Metru Archivists
Earth (Inaccessible)
Spherus Magna
"All Matoran are created equal... except for the better few, who are great heroes."
―Gikil, Illusion of Pride

Gikil is a female Onu-Matoran and former Onu-Metru Archivist.


Metru Nui[]

Like many other Matoran, Gikil was created through a Matoran-maker machine to live on Metru Nui. She quickly found work as an archivist in the Archives of Onu-Metru. Gikil’s fascination with the creatures of the Matoran Universe and general curiosity quickly earned her a position as a group leader in the Archives.

Like most other Matoran on Metru Nui, Gikil found herself coaxed into a Matoran Pod and put into stasis by Teridax.

Mata Nui[]

After being awakened by the Toa Metru on the island of Mata Nui, Gikil aided in constructing the new village of Onu-Koro. Upon its completion Gikil helped set up a museum with other former archivists and worked as one of the head workers there. After Onu-Koro was destroyed Gikil and her fellow museum workers started a small museum in Ga-Koro, though to much less success.

Return to Metru Nui[]

Gikil was eventually able to return to Metru Nui with the rest of the population, and quickly began helping to restore the Onu-Metru Archives. She was immediately restored to her position as a group leader.


Along with the majority of the population of the Matoran Universe, Gikil evacuated the Matoran Universe as it deteriorated and began to set up a new life on Spherus Magna in the aftermath of Mata Nui’s battle with Teridax. Along with many other Matoran and a number of Agori and Glatorian, Gikil aided in setting up a new version of the Archives for Spherus Magna.

Traits, Abilities, and Equipment[]


Gikil is naturally very curious and highly values information. She is more than willing to put her all into working toward acquiring new information and is studious into documenting information so that she does not have to worry about forgetting it. As is common among Onu-Matoran, Gikil is generally calm, collected, and friendly.


Like all other Onu-Matoran, Gikil is unable to access her elemental Earth powers. However, she does possess enhanced night vision and greater physical endurance, though not as much endurance as a Po-Matoran.


Gikil possesses primarily clerical tools, allowing her to document information. In particular she always has a notebook and writing tool with her, in case she needs to take down information on the go. Gikil wears a Kanohi Rau, the Mask of Translation, but she is unable to access its powers.


  • It is unknown why, exactly, Gikil came into being as a female when all Onu-Matoran are intended as male. The most likely possibility is that there was a small glitch in the Matoran-maker machine from which she was made.
  • Gikil was inspired by Ihu.
  • The content of this page prior to adoption can be viewed here.