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This article is about the MATA character. You may be looking for the canon character.

Gali - Conversation (MATA)
Portrayed by Bethany Lang
Gender Female
Element Water
Kanohi Great Kaukau
Occupation(s) Toa
Status Alive
First Appearance Pilot

Gali is a Toa of Water from Ga-Koro. She lives among the Matoran residents, and acts as a teacher for them.


Background Information[]

Not much is known about Gali's history as, like her fellow Toa, it's never explicitly explained. She seems to be kind, and at some point she became a teacher for the Matoran of Mata Nui.

Volume One[]

As Gali is having a conversation with Lewa and Tahu, Lewa leaves due to his watch alarm going off. After an awkward silence with Tahu, she tells him she has to leave due to having a teaching session ("Pilot"). Sometime after, she goes to Onua's room and notices that the he destroyed the computer, she then exclaims that she needed to check her messages on Chirp ("Chirp"). Later, she sets up a rally for dermis turtle awareness, wanting to get the message out there that dermis turtle's are going extinct and something should be done about it. However, Tahu messes it up by making a full of himself thinking the turtle was a hat. She tells him to leave ("What the Dermis Turtle?").

Later on, she goes to Kopaka's room and asks him to take her out to dinner, reluctant at first, Kopaka gives in after she claims she'll get Pohatu to force him to. At dinner, she tells Kopaka about her day, however he remains silent. Gali then goes onto say that it wasn't so bad to eat out with her. Kopaka agrees, though the moment's brief as Pohatu shows up to tell them about how he was surprised to see them there, much to Kopaka's dismay ("Conversation").

Afterwards, she goes with the rest of the Toa to Cafe Custom to eat. After Pohatu thanks her for taking them out, she tells them that she's glad that someone recognizes her good deed as she goes to order ("Order"). Sometime afterward, she asks Onua about the destroyed computer, seeing if it's been fixed. Onua tells her it hasn't and that he gave the parts to Nuparu instead. Gali and Onua then go to Best Buyonicle to purchase a new one. However, due to the prices of them, they can't afford it and leave. Outside, Nuparu gives Onua the prototype of his upcoming computer, built using parts from his old computer. When Onua refuses to give the computer over to Gali, she takes it by hitting him in the face and leaving with it ("Computer"). Sometime after, her and Tahu try looking for her Kanohi Akaku with no success. Eventually Kopaka finds it and hands it to her. Tahu then asks her if she can give him back his Pakari to help him with a task, however she can't figure out how to use her Akaku, causing Kopaka to leave to look for it ("Akaku").


"Save the dermis turtle!"
―Gali in What the Dermis Turtle?


  • She and Onua are the only ones to have another occupation named, as she is also a teacher.