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This article was written by Jaggedthorn. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
"Afternoon undesirables, I have been instructed by the master that I have the freedom to liquidate you as freely as I desire. Don't worry the pain will only last until you're dead."
―Geetee to Elemental Golems.
Geetee Assassin Form
Assassin Mode
Geetee Tank Form
Tank Mode
Spherus Magna

GT-3910, GT-39, Geetee, or Gtepio is one of the first robots created by the Great Beings to fend off aggressive aliens. Later deactivated he was reactivated by unknown causes and set out to kill the Great Terrors. He would be destroyed in order to be rebuilt by Vutresp with a freer mind.


The Great Beings after the Great Being Civil War, or the GBCW now realized that there were thousands upon thousands of aliens out there. Suspecting if they ever had the technology to visit them they would need a line of defense to protect themselves. They went through many prototypes of a power specialist before they settle with what they called GT-3910. Giving it a brand instead of a name. Although he's genderless, he was given a masculine voice in his programming, feeling his aggressive character would work best with a male voice.

Upon the arrival of the Great Terrors, the Great Beings quickly realized their mistake in their creation. Creating VU-71359 and another robot to replace him. He was deactivated to make sure that no trouble came around with him trying to relentlessly succeed with his programming. Unfortunately, he was reactivated under unknown circumstances with the intent to murder every Great Terror there was.

War broke out with the Great Terrors, it became obvious to the Great Terrors they were losing. Although they had experienced warriors and more advanced machinery, Vutresp and his other robotic companion were proving to be unpredictable adversaries. When their numbers continued to dwindle they created a cease-fire act and a peace treaty with the Great Beings. Although they no longer wanted war, Geetee as in his programming tried to kill them. Vutresp, his robot companion, and a revived group of Dark Hunters took down Geetee before he could interrupt the meeting and jeopardize everything.


Total Must be 35:

Strength: 8.75
Agility: 8.75
Toughness: 8.75
Mind: 8.75


  • Geetee is inspired by HK-47
  • Geetee is Jaggedthorn' third transforming MOC
  • Geetee uses the illusive, rare sand green pieces. Oooh, aaah.
  • There's a function with Geetee's head where he can go from a placid look to an angry one.
  • Since he's a robot, he will not notice anyone wearing a Creless