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This article was written by Dregran. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
The Seeking
The Seeking
Kehidupan, Zivot (Parts 1-3)
Aratakhas (Part 3)
Date Set
Media Information
July 2021 (Parts 1&2)
September 2021 (Part 3)
Written by

The Seeking is a short story taking place in the Ignika Universe Saga. It follows the events of The Unveiling, where the Infernal Legion reveals itself to the Council of Kehidupan. It is the second published story in the Ignika Universe Saga. It is followed by The Rising.

The story is written from the perspective of "Shadowplayer" as he infiltrates Kehidupan with the Infernal Legion to find Artakha.


Part One[]

Shadowplayer watched from the corner of the room. The council meeting could not have been going any worse. Six beings surrounded a wooden table, the severed hand and spear of Vicoran still there from the last meeting.

“Enough!” A blue Toa slams her hands on the table. Helryx, the mighty leader of the Order of Mata Nui, currently frustrated at the members of the Council of Kehidupan.

“Helryx, please,” said a white and blue Turaga, Emanuel, rising from his seat. “We will discuss this civilly.”

“I will not let the Order be blamed for this!” Helryx continued, anger directed at the vat of green liquid with a floating mask, Karzahni.

“Blame… isn’t a part of it,” the vat echoed.

“Don’t give me that!”

“It’s the… connection between the Order… and the Legion… is all.”

Helryx huffed and stood back from the table, arms folded.

“Karzahni has a point, Helryx,” a black and silver figure added, Mersery, the time sensitive Mersion.

“There could be a spy in the Order of Mata Nui,” he said. “You are not to blame if that is the case. A member of the Infernal Legion could have telepathic abilities, as well.”

“That is right, Mersery,” said Emanuel. “We have to consider all possibilities.”

The room was quiet. Helryx’s outburst was keeping the silence. There wasn’t really any other possibility, if the truth was not considered. Shadowplayer was the spy, watching the Council, relaying their every move to the Legion.

“Now,” the Turaga continued. “We do not know what exactly Abaddon is after. The last time he attacked, he infiltrated the Core Processor room and attempted to take over from Mata Nui. Kisa, will the Toa Neirae be ready? I fear that he will not be defeated so easily.”

The leader of the Toa Neirae nodded, sharing a similar expression to Helryx. Despite their differences, it seemed they both weren’t enjoying this meeting.

“We know what he is after…” a deep voice trailed from behind the vat. Walking into view was the Makuta Brutaka. He was badly injured after the Great Cataclysm War, punished for betraying the Brotherhood of Makuta.

Shadowplayer was impressed that the Council took him seriously when most of the population of Kehidupan didn’t agree with his presence, members of the Council included. Emanuel would argue that he provides ‘important input’ that the Council needs.

“Would you care to elaborate, Brutaka?” Emanuel said after a short pause.

“The mask maker…” he coughs, leaning against the vat. If Karzahni could look disgusted, Shadowplayer was sure that he would.


What? How did he guess our plan?

The room was still after the Makuta spoke. Most of the Council looked confused, except for Tomoe, the Turaga of Air, who chuckled.

“That simple, you think, Brutaka?” he chirped before laughing again. “I s’pose it makes sense. We don’t want to be hunting a Pokawi in a Kewa flock.”

Shadowplayer didn’t get that reference, and judging by the confused faces of the Council, not many of them did either.

“I don’t think it’s that simple,” Kisa chimed in, Helryx surprised at her response. “If the Legion were seeking Artakha, why would they warn us? They already have already proven they can best us in combat.”

Helryx’s surprise turned into annoyance.

“They obviously want to divert our attention,” she continued. “The Toa of Life was kidnapped because we were focussed on chasing down a Bounty Hunter – things that don’t really matter—”

“I don’t see the Neirae doing anything of note lately,” Helryx interrupted.

“You dare…!” Kisa stood up, bumping the table, hands clenched into fists.

“Please, calm yourselves,” Emanuel tried to cool the Toas’ tempers.

“We can use this… to our advantage…” Karzahni said, ignoring the conflict between the Toa of Water.

“We attack the Legion’s base while they are away,” Mersery put together, placing a hand on his chin. “That is assuming they aren’t intending for us to make that move, striking us when our forces are divided.”

Helryx let out a loud sigh. “This is going nowhere. We have to make a move.”

“We can’t split our forces again,” Mersery continued. “We could send a small team to infiltrate the Legion’s base. Do you have any operatives from your mission that would remember the way, Kisa?”

“I’m not sending any of the Neirae.” Kisa sat back down, turning her head away.

“Agni and Indra will go,” said Helryx. “They work well together.”

This is what we want. I’ll notify the robot and he’ll station Mantax at the base to deal with them.

“Good, we have a decision,” Emanuel stepped in. “The Neirae will protect the Core Processor, the Order will protect Kehidupan, and Agni and Indra will infiltrate the Legion’s base. All those in favour, say aye.”

A round of six “ayes” followed, some quieter than others.

Part Two[]

“It’s about time,” said the corrupted Toa, Crescent, as he placed a hand on the Vortixx’s shoulder. He was referring to the white Skakdi of Sonics, Kormak.

“Bit held up,” Kormak said, voice raspy as usual. “Had a meeting with a pleasant Toa of Shadow, a less secretive Vortixx and a nicer looking Makuta.”

“Don’t push it, Skakdi-scum,” the red and black Makuta, Antroz, warned. Shadowplayer figured that he was more offended than annoyed at Kormak.

“I’m just saying, there’s better company out there. Like that… thing,” Kormak said, nodding his head towards Mach, a creature Shadowplayer didn’t want to be around any longer than he had to be.

“One more word, and I’ll tear your ugly head off your ugly spine!” Antroz shouted, to which Kormak simply shrugged.

Each member, except for Kormak, placed a hand on Shadowplayer’s shoulder and he made the group invisible, using his Huna, Mask of Invisibility.

Crescent then teleported the group inside the gates of Kehidupan, at the door to the Council’s sanctuary.

Shadowplayer shook off the hands from his shoulders, the three Infernal Legion members appear in front of some Matoran, who shrieked.

The Vortixx turned and started to explore Kehidupan, just as a blast from over the gate landed where they were standing. He could only imagine the snickering that would infect Kormak if he heard one of them cry out in pain.

The barrage continued as Crescent and Antroz rampaged the city, shooting buildings with stolen Nyrah Ghost Blasters. Mach screeched and charged at the nearest Matoran – an unfortunate Ga-Matoran transporting scrolls.

A loud clang echoed through the air, Mach’s bladed bands colliding with a Protosteel Sword.

“Get back, Tema,” a Toa said. He clashed with Mach over and over again, driving the enraged beast away from the Matoran.

“That’s it, Jovan!” a voice from behind Shadowplayer said. He spun around and there was a female Varim, clad in green and silver armour.

She dove forward and landed on her hands, pushing herself upwards to deliver a kick to the back of Mach’s head. The Rahi tumbled, dazed by the attack.

Shadowplayer backed away. He wasn’t familiar with every being in Kehidupan. He had to be careful that he was remained undetected as he looked for the Matoran crafter, Artakha.

A blast of Shadow hit the ground between Shadowplayer and the Varim. It was Crescent’s way of letting Shadowplayer know he needed to keep moving, to find the Matoran.

With a sigh, he turned, not sure if the Varim glanced in his direction or not.

“Not this time!” he heard Suram, the Toa of Light shout. He would be fighting with Crescent, still unable to defeat the Toa of Shadow.

The gates to Kehidupan opened just as Shadowplayer rounded a corner further into the village.

“We’ve got him,” said a Toa.

“You think you’ve got me,” a familiar voice, Kormak, retaliated.

“Pretty sure we have you,” said another Toa.

Although Shadowplayer wouldn’t mind watching Kormak struggle against the Toa, he knew that Crescent and the Legion wanted him to complete his mission.

He knew the Av-Matoran crafter was not in Kehidupan. A lifetime ago, Shadowplayer trained Artakha, and his best friend Karzahni, on the island of Xia. It was a glorious island, full of trade and weapons, always moving.

As Shadowplayer fell into nostalgia about his homeland, more Toa ran past the Vortixx; Helryx and Yunak joined the fight, Antroz clawing at them as soon as they were in his range.

Around another corner and into the darkness behind a hut Shadowplayer hid, becoming visible again. He figured that he could rest for a while and enjoy the show. Knowing where Artakha was meant he didn’t have to pretend to search.

With a good position to observe the battle, Shadowplayer sat down, leaned against a wall and watched two Toa attempt to defeat Antroz.

Helryx swung high while Yunak swung low, but they were both too slow for the Makuta. Antroz pushed away Helryx’s axe with ease and stepped on Yunak’s blade, bending the Protosteel.

With a roar, the Makuta swiped across Yunak’s chest, coming up short of tearing the Toa of Plasma’s armour clean off. Helryx counterattacked, driving the end of spear into Antroz’ arm. He then grabbed the spear and pulled Helryx towards him.

A burst of Plasma covered the Makuta’s arm, and he released his grip, jumping backwards. Helryx helped Yunak to his feet, keeping her gaze firm on Antroz.

Meanwhile Jovan and the Varim pinned down Mach with pieces of steel. The Varim held Mach’s wrist blades, no longer attached to the creature’s wrists.

“I will make good use of these,” she said, examining her new weapons.

“Please, Nadati, we have more foes to fi–” Jovan began speaking to his comrade, Nadati Shadowplayer learned, when Mach broke free of his metal bindings and tackled the Toa.

Nadati was quick and stabbed Mach in the side, but it didn’t stop the Rahi. Jovan landed on his shoulder and Mach threw punch after punch into his head.

“It’s… it’s one of them!” a Matoran said, pointing in Shadowplayer’s direction.


The Vortixx turned invisible and left his spot. He wanted to see more of the Toa getting pummelled, but that would have to wait.

He circled around through the huts, counting the Matoran out of boredom. He didn’t recognise any, just like how they wouldn’t recognise him. It had been hundreds of years since Shadowplayer had been a tutor for Matoran on Xia. That was just about a lifetime ago.

A bolt of shadow shot into the air, cracking as it met the clouds in the sky. That was the signal from Crescent that the Legion needed to retreat.

Shadowplayer hurried back to the front gate, Antroz and Crescent backed into a corner. He deactivated his mask power and the duo disappeared, appearing beside him.

Crescent grabbed his shoulder and they teleported to Mach, who was blocking blows from Nadati. Shadowplayer touched the creature’s arm and the Legion disappeared, back to their meeting point in the Lost Continents.

Mach ran forward, confused by the sudden change. It stopped, looked around, then walked in the direction of the Legion’s base. Which was over 20 kio away…

Shadowplayer was happy the Rahi was gone. They were lucky they weren’t attacked for ending the battle.

“Where is the crafter?” Crescent demanded.

“Not there, the Matoran said,” Shadowplayer lied. “I think someone in the Order knows.”

“Let’s go, make us hidden,” Crescent touched Shadowplayer’s shoulder again.

By command, Shadowplayer activated his Huna and the duo teleported back to Kehidupan, watching the aftermath of their onslaught.

Part Three[]

“I told you – I’m being paid for this. I don’t know nothing more than a rock-headed Toa of Stone!”

Shadowplayer watched as Kormak’s attempts to convince the Order of Mata Nui he knew nothing failed. The Toa of Shadow, Crescent, had his hand on Shadowplayer’s shoulder.

“I don’t believe you,” Helryx sneered, placing the tip of a blade on the Skakdi’s shoulder.

“Well, that’s all I’ve got. Even bring in a mind-reader. I don’t know nothing.”

Helryx backed off.

“So… you don’t need my company now? You’ll let me go? I’ll be a good Bounty Hunter. Only kill those who really, really, deserve it. I promise. Unless the pay is good. Then I’ll have to reconsider our deal. Maybe if we split the diff-”

With a flick of her wrist, Helryx threw the blade at Kormak. It stuck into the stone wall next to his head, a small cut opening on his neck.

“Understood. I’ll be right here if you need it,” he said.

Helryx huffed and walked away, Shadowplayer and Crescent following. It was awkward to walk with a hand on your shoulder.

“Toa Helryx,” a voice whispered. A Ce-Matoran bowed when the Toa of Water turned around.

“Master Karzahni wants a word with you,” they said. “If you would follow me.”

The Matoran walked into the Council Sanctuary. Crescent pushed them to follow, Shadowplayer rolling his eyes.

In the meeting chamber, the Ce-Matoran stepped aside, and went outside. The was a vat of green liquid with a floating mask; Karzahni.

“Master Helryx…” the masks lips did not move as he spoke.

“What do you want?” Helryx was stern, still bitter.

“The Legion… they are after… the builder,” the vat echoed.


“Artakha is… nearby…”

Helryx’s expression loosened. “Nearby? What do you mean?”

“The island… not charted… Aratakhas.”

“I’ve never heard of it.”

Shadowplayer knew exactly where the island was.

“It is… south of Metru Nui,” said Karzahni. “Go there… before it is too late.”

“This would have been useful earlier,” Helryx walked away, a scowl disguising her fear.

Crescent teleported the duo outside of the Sanctuary, back at their rendezvous point close to the city’s walls. Shadowplayer would have appreciated a warning before teleporting.

“You know this island, don’t you?” Crescent interrogated.

“What makes you say that?” Shadowplayer didn’t feel like sharing everything he knew with the Legion, let alone Crescent.

“Take us there, now,” Crescent demanded, grabbing Shadowplayer’s wrist. “Visualise it.”

He can read thoughts now? That’s a bit unsettling.

Imagine it, Vortixx!

“Are you kidding me?” Shadowplayer said, trying to pull his hand free.

“Do not test me, Vortixx,” Crescent said. “Else I will kill you and use your corpse.”

Not sure how valid the threat was, Shadowplayer thought of the island.

Rich green hills, Rahi frolicking, the cool smell of the ocean drifting in the wind.

The duo appeared then on one of the fields of grass.

Crescent let go and drew his sword, holding it against Shadowplayer’s neck.

“Pledge your allegiance,” he said.

Shadowplayer said nothing, glaring at Crescent’s shadowy mask.

The two stood in silence for a moment, until the Toa withdrew his sword.

“You do not dare to cross the Legion,” Crescent warned. “Or worse, you do not dare to cross me.”

Shadowplayer kept quiet, focussing on not thinking about anything in particular.

“Take me to the Matoran.”

Turning and walking with haste, Shadowplayer marched up the nearest hill. There was no point lying. He could only do the Toa of Shadow’s bidding. Would a Toa really be this cruel?

At least he could take the long way to reach Artakha. The island was small, littered with hills and valleys, the hut in the centre, hidden from view.

The Toa and the Vortixx circled for a while, not meeting anything other than more grass and more Rahi.

Then Crescent grew impatient.

“I know what you are trying to do, Vortixx,” he said. “This stops now.”

“Or…?” Shadowplayer doubted the identity of the Toa.

Crescent swung his sword, Shadowplayer dodging, somersaulting forward and twisting.

“You will lose this fight,” Crescent gloated, a hint of enjoyment capturing his voice.

“Is that so?” someone from behind the Toa of Shadow said. Shadowplayer turned invisible and backed away as Crescent’s attention shifted.

“Yunak,” he said, facing the Order of the Mata Nui member. “Today is not the day-”

Crescent couldn’t finish his sentence, Yunak immediately attacking with a blast of Plasma and a swipe of his blades.

Shadowplayer hurried over to the hut in the centre of the island. Yunak would not be able to keep Crescent occupied for long. He knew that it wasn’t a Toa under that mask. There was something far more corrupt and far more corrupt.

The hut came into view and Shadowplayer froze. Is this the right thing to do?

He was going to betray his only friend to the Infernal Legion. Artakha was the only one who still used his former name, Obmana. The two reminisced of their creations on occasion, though Shadowplayer had always made sure to stay invisible.

He decided to continue forwards, marching up to the door. He was going to warn Artakha and stall Crescent when he arrived, giving his friend time to escape.

Before he could knock, Shadowplayer could feel the air behind him heating up. He turned invisible and ducked, rolling to the side of the hut. He did not want to get his friend injured.

Yunak glared at Shadowplayer, the Mask of Sonar revealing his position.

“You don’t need to fight this battle, Vortixx,” he warned.

Whether he wanted to or not, Shadowplayer had to fight this battle. His friends all perished for their greed, his disciples in hiding or heavily damaged, and his home island overrun. He wasn’t in this battle for himself.

The door to the hut creaked open and an old Av-Matoran ventured into the light.

“Please,” Artakha begged. “No more.”

The Av-Matoran was a pacifist, living only in regret for his creations, unable to bring himself to destroy them.

“Master Artakha,” Yunak said, eyes still locked on Shadowplayer. “Your life is in danger.”

Artakha could only chuckle. “My life has been in danger for many years, my friend.”

A feeling of dread filled Shadowplayer’s stomach. No, it was the sword of Crescent, piercing him from behind.

“Never show us your face again,” he warned, removing his sword teleporting behind Artakha.

Shadowplayer dropped to his knees, powerless as the Shadow Toa took his friend away. He closed his eyes, maybe for the last time, he thought. He never wanted to live in a world without his friends.


