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Fedaki is part of BIONICLE Generations.
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Mask of Iron
Fedaki databank 2
Manipulation of iron
Component Kanoka

The Kanohi Fedaki is the Mask of Iron. It is a rare mask, and is classified as an Iron power. It grants the user power over the element of Iron, though not to the degree of a Toa of Iron. The mask does not amplify natural elemental abilities.

As an elemental Kanohi, the Fedaki is highly coveted.


The Mask of Iron traces its origins back to later waves of mask-making discovered in the centuries after the Awakening, where an unclear number of Elemental Kanohi were crafted from Elementally-charged Toa Disks by Artakha. Greatly favored and sought after by the Matoran populace, only a handful of these Elemental Kanohi came into circulation given the rarity of Elemental Kanoka, which were most commonly produced as a byproduct of a Matoran's conversion into a Toa. A very limited number of newly-transformed Toa willingly parted ways with their Toa Disks, further restricting the number of Elemental Kanohi. As such, very few Masks of Iron were known to exist in the entire Matoran Universe, the exact number being somewhat of a guarded secret by Toa and avid collectors alike.

From its earliest inception, the Mask of Iron became heavily associated with Fe-Matoran as the manifestation of their Elemental discipline.

Mystic Conquest Universe[]

The Legendary Mask of Iron is worn by Tiro, the Canyon Titan. As it possesses one of the fundamental forces of creation, the Mask of Iron is one of the most powerful mystic relics in the universe.



  • Toa Nurain




  • Tiro, the Canyon Titan ('Mystic Conquest' Universe)

