This article was written by Eclivonian Warrior 355. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
History and creation[]
Eclivonians, a race of Antidermis-infused Kraata, were created to make the ultimate Makuta warrior.The first Eclivonian was an accidental creation, back when Makuta still helped the Great Spirit. When a Makuta fell into a pool of energized Protodermis with a torn limb from a Rahi attack, a monstrous being of eminence strength was created. And so Vorzok was created.
Later on, Vorzok started building an army of Eclivonians in secrecy on the southern islands. The army soon became large in numbers and abilities, and Vorzok left the Brotherhood peacefully. The newly formed Empire of Eternal Shadows (EES), with Vorzok as the leader, had a plan to conquer the Matoran Universe and establish a new world. They set out to take over all that they could, starting with the Southern Islands.
When they invaded the Daru Archipelago, they left nothing.
Eclivonians have Rahkshi powers based upon what type of Kraata they were. These are as follows:
- Accuracy
- Adaptation
- Anger
- Chain Lightning
- Chameleon
- Confusion
- Cyclone
- Darkness
- Density Control
- Disintegration
- Dodge
- Elasticity
- Lightning
- Fear
- Fire Resistance
- Gravity
- Heat Vision
- Hunger
- Ice Resistance
- Illusion
- Insect Control
- Invulnerability
- Laser Vision
- Magnetism
- Mind Reading
- Molecular Disruption
- Plantlife
- Plasma
- Poison
- Power Scream
- Quick Healing
- Rahi Control
- Shapeshifting
- Shattering
- Silence
- Sleep
- Slowness
- Sonics
- Stasis Field
- Teleportation
- Vacuum
- Weather Control
- "Shadow-Fire"-a term for flaming shadow that emanates off of Shadow Kraata after they become Eclivonians. This energy can be concentrated into blasts or just used to make a strike or object burn and cause anyone who touches it to become infected with antidermis.