This article was written by CapMARVELOUS. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
Downfall is a cancelled story serial written by Lan. Originally planned for release in 2018, it was to have been the second installment of a large-scale story project and a follow-up to the mythology of the MARVELOUS-Verse. It would have explored the corruption of the Three Brothers' children by Gah-Duh-Cah's lingering soul and the events leading up to the outbreak of the Cataclysm War, the MARVELOUS-Verse's version of the Great Cataclysm. Several one-shot stories serving as pieces of world-building were planned to promote the serial, and a single one, focused on the Ko-Matoran, was released in 2018. Ultimately, due to a number of factors, these plans fell through and the entire project was cancelled in 2021, meaning Downfall will likely remain unpublished.