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This article was written by ToaTusk. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
BTD27 Dazix Turaga 01
Turaga of Slaxar
Noble Pakari
Corruption Staff
Gremeryn's Alternate Universe - Metru Nui

Dazix was a Du-Matoran who became a Toa of Twilight, and later Turaga of the island of Slaxar in Gremeryn's Alternate Universe.


Early Life[]

Dazix's life began as an Av-Matoran, and like most Av-Matoran, he aided in the construction of the Matoran Universe. During this time, he led a normal hard-working life until being transferred to the Universe Core along with the other Matoran bearing his element.

40,000 years later Dazix was relocated again by the Order of Mata Nui during the Time Slip. After learning to alter the color of his armor to resemble that of a Ta-Matoran, his memories were wiped, and Dazix began his new life on Slaxar―a small island in the Southern Island chain.

Colonization of Slaxar[]

Life on Slaxar was less than comfortable. At the time of his arrival, the island was only partially colonized, and many of the Matoran settlers were becoming weak and demotivated. Seeing the task at hand as a personal challenge, Dazix went to work and continued work until the completion of the Koros about a year later. Motivating the weak and providing assistance to the able, Dazix quickly gained popularity among the island's residents.

It was during this period of construction that rumors first surfaced detailing a horrific creature which roamed the forests of Slaxar. While many dismissed such theories, the sudden disappearance of many of the Matoran was enough to make Dazix sceptical. As time passed however, the rumors soon became that of legend and the "Monster of Forests" became nothing more than a horror story. Dazix abandoned his curiosity and returned to the wider colonization of the island.

Life as a Toa[]

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Abilities and Traits[]


Dazix was hard-working and loyal. Although normally quite serious, his no-nonsense personality was often offset by an almost dark sense of humor.

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Mask and Tools[]

As a Turaga, Dazix wore a Noble Pakari.

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  • Dazix serves as the secondary self MOC for ToaTusk.
  • Dazix's current form was kindly contributed by user BobTheDoctor27.
  • The name Dazix pays homage the by CallanLoF character Davix.


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