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This article was written by Shadowmaster. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.

The Dark Worlds Universe is a dimension, where Shadowmaster never interfered.


Within the Dark Worlds universe, Shadowmaster made no contributions (due to it being hidden). Thus, while the Element Lords still clashed and Teridax still took over, Athorax and his warriors were never taken by Shadowmaster from the Matoran Universe. This also meant he was never killed.

After Teridax's death, Athorax escaped to Spherus Magna. Here, he found the Skrall and Bone Hunters. He allied his forces with them and the remnants of the Iron Tribe, and took Spherus Magna by force.

He now rules the planet with an iron fist. Most of the inhabitants have been corrupted using technology stolen from the Great Beings. This includes Karza and Davu.

Known residents in this Universe[]

  • Rebellion
    • Bane
    • Tahu
    • Vahkna
    • Onua
    • Malum
    • Gelu
    • Pluvia
  • Shadow Empire
    • Makuta Athorax
    • Makuta Ahpolk
    • Telluris
    • Metus
    • Fero
    • Stryke
    • Mordus
    • Atakus
    • Element Lord of Rock
    • Davu
    • Karza
  • Others
    • Brutaka


  • Dark Worlds
  • Evil Awakens (Mentioned)