This page is a log of the first Board Meeting
The below log can be generated on any page by simply typing in {{CB:BM/S1}}
Log of BMS1
(13:15) <TheOracle>Right. I call this meeting to order (13:15) <TheOracle>and Osmiu, if you will... (13:16) <Toatapio>:D Sorry... (13:16) <OsmiuMap>Yes? (13:16) <TheOracle>The pledge... (13:16) <Toatapio>Nothing. Go on. (13:16) <Crazy-Lihkan38>!/rockpapers rock (13:17) <Delphi>[Crazy-Lihkan38] <Your Choice:Rock> <My Choice:Paper> [Delphi] has won! (13:17) <OsmiuMap>Allright then, you all swear to use your powers, however minor they may be, only to better the wiki? (13:17) <Crazy-Lihkan38>sorry (13:17) <TheOracle>I do (13:17) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Yes i will (13:17) <Toatapio>Yes... I guess. (13:17) <OsmiuMap>Allright then, let's proceed. (13:17) <TheOracle>righty, now Cl, I believe its your turn on the subject of the users (13:17) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Ummmm (13:18) <Crazy-Lihkan38>The users work hard and they make alot of pages? (13:18) <Toatapio>Well... atleast I try. (13:18) <TheOracle>No, can you suggest ideas to attract users (13:18) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Ohhh (13:18) <TheOracle>Tapio, go ahead (13:18) <Crazy-Lihkan38>sorry (13:19) <Toatapio>Bzpower, yes... I think there should be an official topic on this wiki. (13:19) <Toatapio>It would be hosted in the forum General Discussion. (13:19) <TheOracle>All agreed? (13:19) <Crazy-Lihkan38>I agree (13:19) <Toatapio>This way we could attract people to our wiki, most of them non spammers. (13:19) <Toatapio>I agree. (13:19) <OsmiuMap>I'll agree. (13:19) <TheOracle>Motion carried (13:20) <TheOracle>Tapio, after the meeting you may post the new topic (13:20) <Toatapio>Okay... (13:20) <TheOracle>any other ideas? (13:20) <OsmiuMap>Hold on, I'd like to motion to amend that and post it in the BBC section. (13:20) <Toatapio>I'll try and find the moderator of that topic... (13:20) <TheOracle>BBC? (13:20) <OsmiuMap>Bionicle Based Creations (13:20) <Toatapio>Other ideas. (13:20) <TheOracle>ah.yes. (13:20) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Hmm (13:20) <TheOracle>All agreed? (13:21) <Toatapio>I think the unfinished MOC Contest should be given to another member who would host it. (13:21) <Crazy-Lihkan38>I agree (13:21) <Toatapio>To finish it. (13:21) <Toatapio>Agreed, yes. (13:21) <OsmiuMap>Agreed. (13:21) <TheOracle>Motion carried (13:21) <Toatapio>:) (13:21) <TheOracle>The topic is now to be posted in the BBC (13:21) <Toatapio>:D (13:22) <TheOracle>and for the MoC Contest, who do you purpose hosts it? (13:22) <Toatapio>I haven't thought of that yet... (13:22) <Crazy-Lihkan38>You could Tapio (13:22) <TheOracle>I hear a motion forward (13:22) <TheOracle>All agreed? (13:22) <Toatapio>I could... but I'm not sure. (13:23) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Agreed I guess (13:23) <TheOracle>OM? (13:23) <OsmiuMap>I'll go for that. (13:23) <OsmiuMap>Agreed. (13:23) <TheOracle>Motion carried. (13:23) <Toatapio>Well, agreed then. (13:23) <TheOracle>Tapio, you now assume full control of the MoC contest (13:24) <Toatapio>Gee... thanks. (13:24) <Crazy-Lihkan38>... (13:24) <TheOracle>Any further ideas/comments? (13:24) <Crazy-Lihkan38>I' (13:24) <Toatapio>Nope. (13:24) <Crazy-Lihkan38>I'm sorry? (13:24) <TheOracle>Shoot CL. (13:24) <Toatapio>Done. (13:24) <Toatapio>*explosion* (13:24) <Toatapio>Now, let's continue. (13:25) <TheOracle>er, CL, you have an idea? (13:25) <TheOracle>no? (13:25) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Not really (13:25) <TheOracle>ok (13:25) <TheOracle>Moving on. (13:25) <Toatapio>Who's next? (13:25) <TheOracle>CL, you can now discuss the vandalism and ideas to prevent it (13:25) <Crazy-Lihkan38>I believ I am (13:25) <TheOracle>We are on #4 (13:25) <Toatapio>Okay. (13:25) <Crazy-Lihkan38>As we all know, the wikia has has several breakouts of vandalism (13:26) <Toatapio>True. (13:26) <Crazy-Lihkan38>has had* (13:26) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Most of this spamming has been done by Atukamlitib, also know as Atukamakirk (13:26) <Toatapio>:/ (13:26) <TheOracle>Continue (13:27) <Crazy-Lihkan38>The current solution was to ban both of them, which we did. But further solutions have been thought up (13:27) <Crazy-Lihkan38>One possible solution is to cut all links to us from YouTube and create a topic on BZPower (13:27) <Crazy-Lihkan38>That was we get less spamming members and more contributing members (13:27) <TheOracle>I have a motion to cut links from Youtube. All agreed? (13:28) <Toatapio>Agreed. (13:28) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Agreed, Seth (13:28) <OsmiuMap>Agreed. (13:28) <TheOracle>Motion carried (13:28) <Crazy-Lihkan38>:D (13:28) <Toatapio>Oh, I just love the officialty of it all... (13:28) <TheOracle>CL, if you would do the honor of posting a message on the Main Page (13:28) <TheOracle>about the youtube links (13:28) <TheOracle>after the meeting (13:29) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Okay (13:29) <TheOracle>Any further ideas? (13:29) <Crazy-Lihkan38>I shall do so after (13:29) <Toatapio>*raising hand* (13:29) <TheOracle>Tapio. (13:29) <TheOracle>Go ahead (13:29) <Toatapio>Well, Seth, you earlier talked something about blocking the whole IP of Atukamkirk (13:30) <Toatapio>I just wanted to know if you'll do that. (13:30) <Toatapio>It's a possible solution. (13:30) <TheOracle>Motion forward. All agreed? (13:30) <Toatapio>Agreed. (13:30) <OsmiuMap>Agreed. (13:30) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Agreed on possible solution (13:30) <TheOracle>Motion carried. (13:31) <TheOracle>I will retrieve the IP from Central and carry out a permaban on it. (13:31) <TheOracle>Other Ideas? (13:31) <TheOracle>No? (13:31) <Toatapio>Oh, just be careful not to block my IP. (13:31) <TheOracle>ok. :) (13:31) <Toatapio>It happened once before. (13:31) <TheOracle>no cascading (13:31) <Toatapio>But thanks. (13:31) <TheOracle>Alrighty, moving on. (13:32) <TheOracle>Tapio has the stand for #5:Discussion of recent contests and events (13:32) <Toatapio>Well, yes, but didn't I do it already? (13:32) <TheOracle>Nope,that was the userbase discussion (13:32) <TheOracle>if I remember correctly (13:32) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Agreed (13:32) <Toatapio>Oh... (13:33) <Toatapio>Well, the MOC Contest thing was about my current subject. (13:33) <Toatapio>But, I do have an event idea. (13:33) <Toatapio>An epic contest. (13:34) <Crazy-Lihkan38>ooooh (13:34) <TheOracle>epic?like a story? (13:34) <Toatapio>Just a thought... a contest where we'll vote for the best story on the site. (13:34) <TheOracle>ah (13:34) <Toatapio>Yes, somekind of a story. (13:34) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Good idea (13:34) <TheOracle>yes (13:34) <TheOracle>Motion forward.Agreed? (13:34) <Crazy-Lihkan38>I agree (13:34) <Toatapio>Agreed. (13:34) <OsmiuMap>Agreed. (13:34) <TheOracle>Motion Carried. (13:35) <TheOracle>Tapio, you assume full control of this new contest (13:35) <TheOracle>Possible names anyone? (13:35) <Toatapio>:O (13:35) <Toatapio>Wow, Moc Contest AND an epic contest... (13:35) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Wow Tapio get alot of responsibility (13:35) <TheOracle>Yes (13:35) <Toatapio>Yes... indeed. (13:35) <TheOracle>He does have good ideas (13:35) <TheOracle>Names anyone? (13:35) <Crazy-Lihkan38>I'll help if needed (13:35) <Toatapio>And wasn't I responsible for the Bzp topic? (13:35) <Toatapio>Thanks, CL. (13:35) <OsmiuMap>How about "Custom Bionicles:Chronicle Award"? (13:35) <TheOracle>I think so. (13:36) <Toatapio>I'll propably need some... (13:36) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Good idea (13:36) <Toatapio>Good name. (13:36) <TheOracle>Motion forward.Agreed? (13:36) <Toatapio>Agreed. (13:36) <OsmiuMap>Agreed. (13:36) <TheOracle>CL? (13:36) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Agreed (13:36) <Toatapio>:) (13:36) <TheOracle>Motion amendment carried. (13:37) <TheOracle>Tapio, the contest now must go under the name of "Custom Bionicles:Chronicle Award" (13:37) <Toatapio>Yes. (13:37) <TheOracle>Further ideas?Anyone? (13:37) <Toatapio>... (13:37) <Crazy-Lihkan38>moo (13:37) <Crazy-Lihkan38>omg (13:37) <Crazy-Lihkan38>stupid brother (13:37) <OsmiuMap>How about a themed MoC contest like on BZP? (13:37) <TheOracle>Go on. (13:37) <Toatapio>Not a bad idea. (13:38) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Isnt that liek the MoC contest Tapio has responsibility over? (13:38) <TheOracle>thats what I thought really (13:38) <TheOracle>OM, explain please (13:38) <Toatapio>*raising hand* (13:38) <TheOracle>more info if you will (13:38) <TheOracle>Yes, Tapio? (13:39) <Toatapio>Well, Seth, there could be several seasons in the Moc Contest. (13:39) <OsmiuMap>Well, it's like MoCs basically with an added theme. (13:39) <Toatapio>The Moc Contests could have different themes. (13:39) <Crazy-Lihkan38>-po] (13:39) <TheOracle>Ah... (13:39) <Crazy-Lihkan38>grrrr I hate my brother (13:39) <Crazy-Lihkan38>+ (13:39) <Toatapio>Everytime, a new one. (13:39) <OsmiuMap>Like using only one color make an MoC to enter, or using at least 6 colors. (13:39) <Toatapio>Oh brother... (13:40) <OsmiuMap>Kinda like that. (13:40) <TheOracle>well, I have a motion amendment.All agreed? (13:40) <Toatapio>On what? (13:40) <Crazy-Lihkan38>I agree (13:40) <TheOracle>the themed contests Tapio. (13:40) <Toatapio>Agreed. (13:40) <OsmiuMap>Agreed. (13:40) <TheOracle>Motion Carried. (13:40) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Agree (13:41) <TheOracle>Osmiu:You will now work with Tapio on ideas for themes (13:41) <TheOracle>you two will run the contest (13:41) <Toatapio>Nice to have some company. (13:41) <OsmiuMap>Yup. ;) (13:41) <TheOracle>Further ideas? (13:41) <Toatapio>Don't worry CL; I wont forget you. (13:41) <Crazy-Lihkan38>:D (13:41) <OsmiuMap>Hold on, we need to figure out the time for one MoC contest. XD (13:41) <Toatapio>A month? (13:42) <Toatapio>Too long? (13:42) <OsmiuMap>Sounds good actually. (13:42) <Crazy-Lihkan38>And what about number of entries to proceed? (13:42) <TheOracle>A month sounds good.All agreed? (13:42) <OsmiuMap>Agreed. (13:42) <Toatapio>Agreed. Also, I don't think there has to be a specified number of entries. (13:42) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Okay. Agreed (13:42) <TheOracle>Motion carried. (13:43) <TheOracle>The set time for a session is now 1 month (13:43) <TheOracle>no more, no less (13:43) <TheOracle>further ideas? (13:43) <Toatapio>Well, don't get mad if it goes a few minutes more or less... (13:43) <TheOracle>of course not :) (13:43) <OsmiuMap>Hehe. (13:43) <Toatapio>Please... (13:43) <Toatapio>Thanks. (13:43) <TheOracle>no more ideas? (13:43) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Well, will we have a contest for this month? (13:44) <Toatapio>*thinking* (13:44) <Crazy-Lihkan38>We are already 10 days into it (13:44) <Toatapio>*brain crashes* (13:44) <TheOracle>I think we should get it together first (13:44) <OsmiuMap>The theme for the next MoC contest, appropriately, I think should be winter-themed MoCs. (13:44) <Crazy-Lihkan38>So, next month? (13:44) <TheOracle>take the 10 days to set up, then next month (13:44) <OsmiuMap>Good idea. (13:44) <TheOracle>all agreed? (13:44) <Toatapio>I think the current MOC Contest should be finished first, then take a new theme. (13:45) <Crazy-Lihkan38>I agree - I'm going to ahve to improve on my MoCing skills (13:45) <TheOracle>all agreed on Tapio's idea? (13:45) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Agreed (13:45) <Toatapio>Agreed (of course) (13:45) <OsmiuMap>Okay then, judging has been going on for a while hasn't it? (13:45) <OsmiuMap>Agreed. (13:45) <Toatapio>ahve... a new word again. (13:45) <Crazy-Lihkan38>There hasnt been voting since like August (13:45) <TheOracle>Motion amendments carried (13:45) <Toatapio>Hey wait, who are the judges that vote? (13:46) <TheOracle>Thats up to you (13:46) <Toatapio>Oh... (13:46) <Toatapio>I forgot. (13:46) <Toatapio>Lots of pressure... (13:46) <Crazy-Lihkan38>;) (13:46) <Toatapio>*starts crying* (13:46) <Crazy-Lihkan38>*waves hand at Tapio* (13:46) <Crazy-Lihkan38>*blowhorn* (13:46) <TheOracle>alright, should we move on now? (13:46) <Toatapio>*runs away, screaming* (13:46) <Crazy-Lihkan38>... oops (13:46) <OsmiuMap>Sure. (13:46) <Toatapio>Moving on? Oh, okay. (13:47) <Toatapio>Just don't wave your hand ever again, CL: (13:47) <TheOracle>Ok, I think we already did #6 really (13:47) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Iwanted tobe a judge:( (13:47) <Toatapio>Oh... (13:47) <TheOracle>so closing statements: (13:47) <Toatapio>That was it? (13:47) <Toatapio>Okay, you can be a judge. (13:47) <TheOracle>I think this was pretty good (13:47) <Toatapio>Yeah. (13:47) <Crazy-Lihkan38>:D:D:D (13:47) <OsmiuMap>I think I could be a judge too. :o (13:47) <TheOracle>not a high turnout rate, but hey, we got things done (13:47) <Toatapio>We're a great team... (13:48) <Toatapio>Yes, you can be a judge too. (13:48) <TheOracle>so, shall we do this again? (13:48) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Anyone who showed up today is probably respoinsible enough to be a judge (13:48) <Toatapio>True, indeed. (13:48) <Toatapio>Do this again? (13:48) <Toatapio>Good idea. (13:48) <TheOracle>Yes. (13:48) <Toatapio>When? (13:48) <TheOracle>a couple of months (13:48) <Toatapio>Okay. Sounds good. (13:48) <OsmiuMap>Allright. (13:49) <Crazy-Lihkan38>kk (13:49) <TheOracle>How about March 14? (13:49) <OsmiuMap>Sounds good. (13:49) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Same Time? (13:49) <TheOracle>it should be the second saturday of every two months I think (13:49) <Toatapio>How about March 4? (13:49) <TheOracle>yes CL (13:49) <Toatapio>It's my birthday then... (13:49) <TheOracle>oh (13:49) <TheOracle>lemme check (13:49) <Toatapio>Never mind. (13:50) <Crazy-Lihkan38>I'd better rememer (13:50) <TheOracle>how about the 7th? (13:50) <Toatapio>Let's do it on the fourteenthed day. (13:50) <Toatapio>I mean... (13:50) <Toatapio>whoops. (13:50) <Crazy-Lihkan38>*jamscky into head* (13:50) <Toatapio>14:hed... (13:50) <TheOracle>not you're birthday? (13:50) <Toatapio>Never mind. (13:50) <Crazy-Lihkan38>*jams sticky note into head* (13:50) <Toatapio>No. (13:50) <TheOracle>oh (13:50) <Toatapio>What? (13:50) <TheOracle>so the 14th then? (13:50) <Toatapio>Everyone is talking about different things... (13:50) <TheOracle>of March (13:50) <Toatapio>AAAHH!!! (13:50) <Toatapio>Yes. (13:50) <TheOracle>all agreed? (13:51) <Toatapio>Agreed. (13:51) <Crazy-Lihkan38>Agreed (13:51) <OsmiuMap>Agreed. (13:51) <TheOracle>Motion carried...Next BM is @ March 14, 2009 (13:51) <Toatapio>I'll put it in the timer. (13:51) <TheOracle>1:00 PM UTC (13:51) <TheOracle>ok (13:51) <TheOracle>actually let me do that Tapio (13:51) <TheOracle>and I therefore call this meeting adjourned.
- BZP Topic for CBW
- Amendment: To be posted in BBC subforum
- Restart MoC Contest
- Amendment: User:Toatapio Nuva to control it
- Amendment: Themes to be added in next session
- Amendment: User:OsmiuMap to help Tapio with themes
- Amendment: Each session may be no longer than a month
- Remove links to CBW from YouTube
- Permaban on Atukamlitib's IP
- Best Epic/Story Contest
- Amendment: Name must be Chronicle Award
- Next Board Meeting to occur on March 14, 2009 7:00 PM UTC
Username | IRC Name | AKA (in chat) |
The Oracle23 | TheOracle | Oracle |
Crazy-Lihkan38 | Crazy-Lihkan38 | CL38; CL |
OsmiuMap | OsmiuMap | OM |
Toatapio Nuva | Toatapio | Tapio |
- Delphi—Bot of The Oracle23