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This article was written by Jaggedthorn. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
"Feeling a bit tired, aren't you? We can talk after your looooonnnng nap."
―Sydemus to Toa Escavo, using a mutated Kanohi Crinis
Mask of Hormonic Disruption
Changes hormone levels in mechanical and bio-mechanical beings.
Component Kanoka

The Kanohi Crinis is the Mask of Hormonic Disruption. It allows the user to change hormone levels in it's target. Usually used to boost moral, or demotivate targets. It needs a great deal of concentration, especially for those with high amounts of willpower, specifically Psionics users. Due to this, the user it self also needs a strong amount of willpower. The mask cannot be used on one's self.

Example Usage[]

Sydemus used his Crinis to try and get Zystetus to feel low of himself towards the extent he would tell him everything. Although Miniwera possessing Zystetus combated this. Escaping.




  • The mask is considered immoral by Toa since it can drive people to kill them selves.
  • The mask cannot be used to drive toa in love since they lack reproductive hormones.
  • Crinis comes from the word Endo'crine' which is the system in the human body that revolves around hormones.