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This article was written by Shadow North. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
Chi is under construction.

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cyan, light blue, white, Dark blue, normal blue, darker Solar orange (heated Chi)

Chi is a Elemental power, considered to be a type of secondary one (such as Sonics, Plasma etc).Chi is connected and related to life force of most living beings.


Chi is linked and related to life forces and auras of most living beings. In combat wielders of Chi can Chi-block and by that temporarily disable the opponent´s use of powers and elemental power. In form of beams, blasts and shots the feeling of being hit by Chi feels like being hit plus a "shocking" and numbing sensation goes through the target´s body. A heated variation of Chi can set things on fire and heated beams and blasts of chi comes in the color of burning orange and yellow.


  • Healing through Chi
  • Restoring stamina and elemental energies with Chi
  • Combat through Chi
  • Chi-blocking
  • Projecting and firing beams, blasts and shots of chi (both of normal variant and heated variant)
  • Unleashing a Chi Nova Blast (Toa only)

Users and Wielders[]

  • Any Toa of Chi
  • Ki-Matoran
  • Turaga of Chi
  • Bohrok Qinohk
  • Eldárúnorean that wields chi
  • Visorak Chioniraehk
  • Any Skakdi of Chi
