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MATA Episode
Chat-Talk - MATA
Episode no. 10
Airdate October 25, 2013
Running time 3:57
Writer(s) Chicken Bond
Director(s) CallanLoF

MATA Season 1
December 9, 2012 - present

  1. Pilot
  2. Puns
  3. Chirp
  4. What the Dermis Turtle?
  5. Conversation
  6. Life
  7. Play
  8. Order
  9. Computer
  10. Chat-Talk
  11. Presents and Presence
  12. Akaku

Chat-Talk is the tenth episode in MATA. It aired on October 25th, 2013.


Toa Mata[]



After reading a letter sent to him, Lewa arrives at Ta-Koro to meet with someone, revealed to be Tahu with his pet dermis turtle. After Lewa asks why he was asked to go there, Tahu explains that he was curious about Lewa's camera used during the dermis turtle incident.

During their discussion, Tahu continues to not believe Lewa about having a camera, however Lewa proves him wrong by showing off his built-in chest-camera. Tahu then asks his dermis turtle for it's thoughts on the situation, though it just makes a noise, but Tahu regards it as it believing Lewa and let's it go. Tahu then leaves, explaining he will be watching him as he walks off. But Tahu goes the wrong way, causing Lewa to mock him.


  • The title of this episode is a reference to Conversation's episode title, though in this case it's worded how it would be in tree-speak, Lewa's native tongue.
  • This is the second episode to continue the plot from a previous episode, this case being What the Dermis Turtle?. The first was Computer.
  • This episode was written to resolve a technical goof that emerged in Chicken Bond's previous episode. This error ended up forming the premise of Chat-Talk.


MATA -- Season 1
#01 Pilot#06 Life#11 Presents and Presence
#02 Puns#07 Play#12 Akaku
#03 Chirp#08 Order#13 ????
#04 What the Dermis Turtle?#09 Computer
#05 Conversation#10 Chat-Talk- | ????