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Chaos is a legendary Elemental Power.


Chaos has been wielded long before the multiverse's inception. Chaos has only recently been cast in a dark light when it is just a necessary antithesis to Order.


Chaos users are always driven insane by their powers, often forming multiple clashing personalities. Chaos users can see into different realities, though they cannot choose which. As such, they may jump from screaming about a faraway apocalyptic event or babbling in an alien language or repeating their sentences in varied tones. Chaos users often jump between emotions without any warning.

Species Wielders[]


  • Kor-Matoran represent the Element of Chaos. Kor-Matoran also contain a very minuscule amount of Elemental Chaos energy to the extent that they can see into different realities at random intervals, are bipolar schizophrenics, and thoroughly insane.
  • Toa of Chaos possess the Elemental Power of Chaos, allowing them to manipulate reality around them. They are insane and often hurt friend and foe alike.
  • Turaga of Chaos do not exist


  • Skakdi of Chaos can use Chaos without the need of another Skakdi. They are mainly overcome by feral rage and are most definitely dangers to others and themselves.

Great Beings

  • Great Beings and other more powerful divine entities are, like every other Chaos user, insane, have multiple conflicting personalities and are often prone to their powers going out of control. They let this happen because, as agents of Chaos, they do not believe in control, not even when it comes to their own powers.


  • Create Dark Matter
  • Create Antimatter
  • Break the laws of physics
  • Make thoughts reality
  • Make anyone insane
  • Create portals
  • Distort the fabric of reality
  • See into random realities
  • Jump between one reality to another. (referred to as "reality hopping")
  • Create a Chaos Nova Blast (toa exclusive)


  • Chaos users will contradict even their most ingrained of morals for the sake of anarchy.
  • If a Toa were to unleash a Chaos Nova Blast, it could merge the multiverse into one reality.