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This article was written by DarkStalker719. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
Blackfire Knights
The Shattered Spire
Trapped in Pocket Dimension
Demonic Armies
The Avatars, Toa, Matoran

The Blackfire Knights where a small group of skilled warriors who served Noctus in the Seeds of Madness Alternate Universe.



The Blackfire Knights were formed by Noctus as his personal squad of warriors. The group's first members were Xithax, Syverr, and Pyrofex. During the next 500 years, additional members were recruited after extensive trials, in which potential members were extensively tested physically, mentally, and emotionally. Throughout this time, Noctus sent members of the Knights to kill those he thought would stand in the way of his plans, and to spy on the Brotherhood of Makuta and the Order of Mata Nui. The Blackfire Knights, at the peak of their power, boasted twenty-six members.

The Fall[]

During The Fall, many Knights were killed in the catastrophic event. Despite the devastation, all three of the organization's original members survived to become Nocturnus' lieutenants in the Abyss.


Syverr, the leader of the Blackfire Knights

The First Abyssal Invasion[]

In the First Abyssal Invasion, members of the Blackfire Knights served as the commanders of units of lesser Demons and as bodyguards for Nocturnus. During the heavy fighting, the organization's numbers were reduced to eleven. After Nocturnus' defeat, Syverr and Xithax escaped to the Abyss and worked to rebuild the shattered Demonic forces, while Pyrofex remained on the surface to study their foes.

The First Era of Peace[]

During the First Era of Peace, Syverr worked to create several new breeds of Demons, and a small force under Xithax's command fought off a raiding party sent by the Barraki, who had been freed by The Fall.

The Shadow War[]

Throughout the entirety of the Shadow War, the surviving Knights regrouped and recruited several additional members. During this time period, Syverr discovered that the Obelisk Nocturnus was entombed in could be broken if, when the Avatars were sufficiently weakened, the Obelisk was hit with a concentrated blast of Shadow energy. At the end of the Shadow War, Syverr was able to free Nocturnus, and renew the battle against the Avatars.

The Second Abyssal Invasion[]

During the Second Abyssal Invasion, the Blackfire Knights acted as bodyguards for Nocturnus. During the fighting, Xithax was able to kill the Avatar of War, and Syverr slew the Avatar of Destruction before being killed by a Toa of Fire. In the final stages of the battle, the Avatars of Life and Death combined their energies and trapped Nocturnus and the surviving Demons in a pocket dimension, with only Xithax escaping the trap.

Known Members[]


Pyrofex, one of the Blackfire Knights' original members


  • Xithax-status unknown
  • Pyrofex-trapped in pocket dimension
  • Unknown number of members trapped in the pocket dimension


  • Syverr-deceased
  • Unknown number of deceased members


  • DarkStalker719 created the Blackfire Knights to bring some diversity into the Demonic forces and to bring some favorite (at the time) MOCs together into a single group.