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The Skakdi Life Episode
"Best Friends"
Episode no. 1
Airdate August 22, 2014
Running time 4:01
Writer(s) Chicken Bond
Director(s) SED

The Skakdi Life Season 1
August 22, 2014 - present

  1. Best Friends
  2. Free Time
  3. Deus Ex Machine
  4. Round Two
  5. Australia
  6. Christmas Cheer
  7. Vethok
  8. Mother's Day
  9. TBD
  10. TBD
  11. TBD
  12. TBD
  13. TBD

Best Friends is the first episode of The Skakdi Life. It aired on August 22nd, 2014.



Vezok concludes interrogating Matoran about the location of the Kanohi Ignika. Upon learning that he has killed his eight Matoran captive, Thok criticises Vezok's interrogation methods, specifically his tendency to beat his victims to death before questioning them. It then becomes apparent that none of the Matoran knew the mask existed, with Vezok just picking them at random.

After learning the other Piraka left Vezok and Thok behind to hijack the Kanohi bin, the pair argue over whether Thok's rock is really a rock or if it, as Thok claims, holds the secrets of the universe. Further bickering ensues until Vezok voices his desire to find Vezon, which Thok denies. Vezok eventually tricks Thok into admitting his rock is indeed a rock, prompting Thok to throw him off their table.


  • The episode was originally titled simply as Pilot. The name was later changed by Chicken Bond.


The Skakdi Life: Best Friends