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This article was written by Chondrya. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.

Title Mask of Deviation
Powers Allowed user to guide moving projectiles
Composite Disks Two Weaken, One Remove Poison, One Reconstitute at Random
Pronunciation ben-kem

The Kanohi Benkhem was the Mask of Deviation. It allowed its user to change the direction and speed of any flying projectiles that they were aware of. The mask could be used to control any number of projectiles. However, the more projectiles a user wished to control, the more focus they needed to put into the using the mask. Additionally, controlling too many projectiles would decrease the amount of control the user had over them and could mentally overwhelm the user. With enough training, a user could make the movement of projectiles subconscious and simplified in order to put more focus on which projectiles they were controlling.

Example Usage[]

In The Feral Plains/Volume V, Merdana used her Great Beknhem to redirect Corduk's Earth Battle Axe back at him after he threw it.



  • Toa Merdana


  • The mask's name is derived from Thai ben k̄hĕm (เบนเข็ม) which translates to "deflect", "deviate", and "divert".
