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Order of Mata Nui
Guardian of the Kanohi Ignika
Stasis Fields, Healing, Energy Blasts, Electricity, Mental Shielding
Giant Axe
Axonn (Afterverse) contains spoilers.

This article contains spoilers for 777. Continue reading at your own risk.

"I have looked into the face of evil many times more than I can count, Sauti. It will not stop until it has what it wants."
―Axonn, 777

Axonn is a mighty warrior tasked by the Order of Mata Nui with guarding the Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life. He and fellow warrior Brutaka currently reside on Voya Nui, watching the entrance to the 777 Stairs and stopping anyone who might try to take the Ignika.


At some point in time before the Great Cataclysm, Axonn and Brutaka were sent to the Southern Continent to guard the entrance to the 777 Stairs and prevent anyone from retrieving the Mask of Life. He remained there for decades, possibly centuries. During this time he encountered Velika, and was troubled by a deception the Po-Matoran seemed to be keeping, though he could not discern what the deception was.

27 years after the Great Cataclysm, Makuta Gorast's Toa Hagah team arrived on Voya Nui to retrieve the Ignika for their master. Axonn and Brutaka intervened, and believed they had convinced the Toa to leave, but Sauti snuck into their encampment and used his Mask of Psychometry on Brutaka's weapons to discern the location of the entrance. By the time this was discovered, the Toa had already descended down the steps to retrieve the Ignika.

Shortly after Sauti emerged from the 777 Stairs, Axonn found the Toa travelling across Voya Nui with the Ignika. His Kanohi Rode allowed him to see through Sauti's attempts at deception. Since then, he has regularly travelled to Sauti's lighthouse on the Cape of No Hope to try and convince the the Toa to return the Ignika to the Chamber of Life beneath Mount Valmai. He has never been successful, and on several occasions these visits resulted in the two coming to blows.

Personality and Traits[]

Axonn is stoic and unyielding in his work and principles. He fully believes in the work he is doing for the Order of Mata Nui, and will go to great lengths to see it is successful. However, he values the autonomy of others, not desiring to force others that have not taken the same oaths that he has to commit to the same work. He values truth, honor, and loyalty in himself and others.

Powers and Equipment[]

Axonn looms over most beings, standing over 9 feet tall. He possesses massive physical strength, which was even greater if he was provoked into a rage. He also possessed the ability to produce blasts of pure energy, limited control over the element of Lightning, and could create stasis fields that trapped and temporarily halted the flow of time for anything caught within. He possessed natural healing abilities that could heal minor wounds and ease mental ailments with a touch of his hand.

As part of his training from the Order of Mata Nui, Axonn's mind was warded against psychic attacks and intrusions. This training also enhanced his natural abilities beyond other members of his species.

Axonn typically carries a massive Axe capable of felling a tree with one swing. He also wears the Kanohi Rode, which allows him to effortlessly see through illusions and other deceptions.


  • 777 (First appearance)

See Also[]
