This article was written by 117Jaller. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
Aurox is a prototype female Ba-matoran, in the misplaced universe, who was mutated by energized Protodermis into an insectoid creature. she was later recruited into the Dark Hunters under the alias "Sickle" and became a spy for the Shadowed One in Shadow Ahkmou's army.
Aurox was created by the great beings after Orde's failure to calm the Zyglak, and decided that all Ce-matoran would be female, to see what a females touch would do to the element Gravity. The Great Beings created Aurox and sent her to live in Ba-Koro.
Early Life[]
Aurox lived peacefully on Ba-Koro for thousands of years as a farmer whose village was protected by a Toa of Ice Named Glaciar. One day Glaciar fled injured back to the village with six Rahkshi in pursuit and ordered everyone to flee. Everyone fled, and Glaciar held off the monsters, except for Aurox, who grabbed to sickles from the farm and went to help Glaciar, who was being overwhelmed. The matoran was able to kill unexpecting Rahkshi, who was about to flank and end Glaciar's life. The two tried to keep the five remaining Rahkshi at bay but were overpowered. Glaciar was able to kill one more before being killed. The rest of the matoran fled, and Aurox was injured and all alone. With no chooses left, Aurox fled into a cave but slipped on her own blood and fell into a pool into unknown liquids.
When Aurox emerged from the weird liquid, she was stunned to she had five legs and her two sickles fused to the shoulders like extra arms; she left the way she came and saw the four remaining Rahkshi. Filled with anger, he used her two new sickle arms to kill the entire group of Rahkshi. She then grabbed Glaciar's Ice Lance and went after to check on the rest of her fellow villagers. Unfortunately, a mile down the road, she found all of her villager friends killed by Rahkshi, who stood over her fallen friends. Enraged, she killed all twelve of the Rahkshi but took heavy damage in the ensuing battle. After it was all over, Aurox knelt down over her friends and cried. She was ready to give up and die with her friends when she realized she could not give up, not now, and not ever.
Over the next few months, Aurox healed and brought all of the killed villagers and barred them alongside Glaciar. Ba-Koro went from a happy village to a graveyard. She put the dead Rahkshi down around the village to warn all of Makuta's servants. She wrote signs that read safe haven for all survivors after realizing that this attack was not isolated. She used her agricultural background to make food for herself and any other that sought refuge in her village.
Aurox's New Life[]
Two surviving matoran from a neighboring village came to Ba-Koro seeking refuge a few weeks later. Aurox was happy to see other survivors and welcomed them in. The two matoran were horrified by what Aurox now looked like and started to flee when she told them she had food. The two turned around and joined her for dinner. She first explained why she looked the way she did, but the two matoran could hardly believe she was a matoran once. After sharing stories, she let the two sleep and a hut belonging to her dead friends. Aurox was happy to finally have company, and the two Matoran stayed the next day. They had dinner again, and the cycle repeated until one day, she heard her two new "friends" making fun of her behind her back. She later confronted them in tears and felt betrayed. The two told her she was unsettling to look at, which creeped them out. Aurox told them to leave and never return, so they did out of fear. Aurox knew this would keep happening and knew she needed to take the fight to the Makuta to the front lines and strike from the shadows to not scare those she saved. She finally got used to having five legs and her extra sick arms and knew how to use them after a few months of practicing. The next day she packed a bagful of food garbed her Ice Lance she took for her fallen friend and left Ba-Koro after paying respects to her one great village.
Hunting Makuta[]
Aurox spent the next few years of her life killing Rahkshi, Visorak, and Fohrok and always coming out on top. She helped have countless being in her crusade against the Makuta and was only seen a few times monetarily. Rumer's spread of a Beast wielding sickles killed Makuta forces and saved many matoran, Skakdi, Toa, Vortixx, and others. One time she was attacked by a few toa, believing her to be of shadow and attached her. She defended herself and defeated the Toa. She explained what had happened to her as she healed her three attackers. The Toa apologized and told her she had great skill. One of the Toa named Matara even knew of mysterious liquid she fell in was Energized Protodermis and told her what it could do. The Toa and Aurox parted ways after saying goodbye, leaving the Ba-Matoran to know that it was her destiny to be this creature, have these powers, and be an outcast.
Recruitment to the Dark-Hunters[]
Word spread quickly of this slicked-wielding force of nature which could hale down hordes of Makuta's forces and take out an entire team of toa. After The Shadowed One learned she was a mutated Ba-Matoran, he sent Firedracax and Gatherer to recruit her to know she could be related to them. Due to this, two dark hunted bring mutated matoran themselves. Their order was to befriend the lonely matoran and bring her unharmed to him.
The mutated Ta-matoran and Onu-Matoran found her and pretended to befriend her. The lonely Ba-matoran learned that they were once regular matoran who were outcasts from their villages to find a home in the Dark-Hunters. The two lied and convinced the ignorant Aurox to come back to Odina to meet The Shadowed One. Once on Odina, The shadowed One explained they were at war with the Brotherhood of The Makuta, and they would hike Aurox to join them. Unknowing who she was getting involved with, she agreed, not knowing the whole truth behind the Dark-Hunters. He gave the name "Sickle" to Aurox as he welcomed her to the dark hunters.
Life as a Dark-Hunter[]
Although the whole truth was kept from her, she was happy to have others in the fight against Sickle's most hated memory. She was trained by Lariska, and during this time, she became more sadistic toward Makuta and colder towards the world that rejected her. She became one of The Shadowed One most valuable tools against the Makuta and their forces.
The Shadowed One knew that the dark hunter Bulk was slowly becoming less loyal to him. Someone else wanted to know who before he terminated him. he sent "Sickle" to find out who "Bulk" was changing loyalties. Sickle learned that Bulk would betray the Dark hunters for Shadow Ahkmou and his forces. Disgusted by this, she reported to her master and told him the news. Still, instead of ordering his death, he sent Sickle to join him as a spy to keep tabs on the Makuta forces. Her hesitation to even pretend to join them made him reveal that she was the most valuable candidate for this job. When it was over, she would be able to kill them all. Sickle agreed and convinced the dimwit Bulk to take her with him with a smile. Sickle left to "join" Shadow Ahkmou and Bulk.
Agent Within[]
To be added...
Abilities and Traits[]
As a Ba-Matoran, Aurox had a minuscule amount of control over the element of gravity. However, like other Ba-Matoran, he was physically durable and could endure extreme pressures. Upon becoming mutated by protodermis, Aurox's three extra feet increased her speed, and her sickle arm claw at enemies form a few feet away. She also became more durable and had more stamina.
Aurox was brave, kind, and very caring. Although after being mutated and joining the Dark-Hunters, she became more ruthless and hated the resented the world that rejected her. Eventually, the Only Toa she cared about was Glaciar and viewed all other toa as cowards or inferior to her long-dead friend.
Abilities and Traits[]
As a Ba-Matoran Aurox had a miniscule amount of control over the element of gravity and like other Ba-Matoran he was physically durable and had a could endure extreme pressures. Upon becoming mutated by protodermis Aurox's three extra feet increased her speed and her sickle arm claw at enemies form a few feet away. She also became more durable and had more stamina.
Aurox was brave, kind, and very caring. Although after being mutated and joining the Dark Hunters she became more ruthless and hated the resented the world that rejected her. Eventually the Only Toa she cared about was Glaciar and viewed all other toa as cowards or inferior compared to her long dead friend.
Pictures | Form |
Aurox original Matoran form | |
Aurox Mutated Form | |
- Due to Clancer originally being a Toa of Ice she was going to steal his weapon in a story, but it eventually got changed to Glaciar's to make her a more compelling character, and because Clancer's element was changed to Plasma.