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MATA Episode
Akaku - MATA
Episode no. 12
Airdate January 29, 2014
Running time 2:30
Writer(s) CallanLoF
Director(s) CallanLoF

MATA Season 1
December 9, 2012 - present

  1. Pilot
  2. Puns
  3. Chirp
  4. What the Dermis Turtle?
  5. Conversation
  6. Life
  7. Play
  8. Order
  9. Computer
  10. Chat-Talk
  11. Presents and Presence
  12. Akaku

Akaku is the twelfth episode in MATA. It aired on January 29th, 2014.


Toa Mata[]



While Tahu is watching television, Gali asks him to shut it off. After he does, she asks about her Kanohi mask of x-ray vision that he borrowed from her, as he needed it to find his lava board previously. He remembers, and states that the board ended up being stolen from Agni, who took it back. He then says he'll give it back to her, as he now has his own. He goes into his mask box to get it, however states he lost it, but tells Gali to not worry as he has his own.

After a bit of struggling, and Gali asking if he even knows how to use it, Kopaka approaches them with Gali's mask. Before she could ask him how he knew, he states that they were shouting louder than Gukko birds, and so he decided to scan the house and found it. Tahu then asks Gali for his Kanohi Pakari, stating that it would make his job of lifting kolhii equipment easier. She then puts on her Akaku, however she can't figure out how to use it either, causing Kopaka to leave so he can look for it himself. After he leaves, Tahu get's his to work and laughs as he watches Onua stub his foot.


  • This is the first episode of MATA to feature a point-of-view shot, this case being from Tahu's perspective.
  • Tahu's Pakari can be seen in the bucket of masks beside him at the beginning of the episode, he asks about Gali giving the Pakari back to him.
  • During the first person scene, Tahu's pet dermis turtle can be seen laying on the ground with Tahu's other items.


MATA -- Season 1
#01 Pilot#06 Life#11 Presents and Presence
#02 Puns#07 Play#12 Akaku
#03 Chirp#08 Order#13 ????
#04 What the Dermis Turtle?#09 Computer
#05 Conversation#10 Chat-Talk- | ????